Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Birthdays are great!

I love having birthdays!! The more the better! Today is my day... how many more will I have?

My best friend's grandmother is 99 and we are working on a barn quilt for her. It will be awesome. Do you ever wonder if you will make it to 99 years? Life is good, live each day the very best that you can. Love and appreciate your family and friends, that is what life is about!

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Artist Weekend

Attended an artist "Salon" this weekend with some great artist from the Tennessee Artist League. They always provide such great lessons and critiques or our work. Learned some new techniques and finished three paintings in just two days. I love learning from other successful artist! You can check out my new paintings under the " galleries" section of my website.

We used aluminum foil on to get this look. Very unique...let me know what you think.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Artist Website is Now Live!

Just want to report in and let you know that I finally got my website up and live. I will be adding paintings as I keep updating it. Attended a great workshop in Nashville this week end, June25-26 and learned some new techniques. The workshop is great because we get to work on anything that we choose and the other artist and instructors give us feedback. It is a terrific way to learn from others and still come home with some wonderful paintings. I will be posting my new paintings on my website soon...stay tuned!

Here is my new site: http://www.myrarenee.com